Rule The Wall
Our Vision
We made Rule The Wall Elite Rankings to bring everyone around the world playing 1-Wall Handball/Wallball tournaments together. These rankings give you an idea of how good you are and a chance to see who else is playing. We believe they also encourage you as a player to enter more tournaments and continue to play and improve.
We have developed a way to allow any tournament match to contribute to your ranking. So whenever you play a 1-Wall handball tournament which is associated with Rule The Wall - your ranking changes.
For players this means that the more tournaments and the more matches you play the more your ranking changes. For organisers anyone can run tournaments... anywhere! So if you are interested in running a tournament associated with us - get in touch!
What is a Rule the Wall (RTW) Rating?
Your RTW rating provides a relative measurement of your ability at 1-Wall Handball / Wallball.
Your RTW rating provides a relative measurement of your ability at 1-Wall Handball / Wallball.
So How Does it Work?
RTW uses match data from RTW powered tournaments such as Euro1Wall Opens or Euro1Wall Series events. Visit this link to see all of the events and previous results.
For every match we determine the expected outcome for each player based on their current RTW rating. Your RTW rating is based on:
Match Result: Win / Loss results from each match
Opposition: The relative strength of your opponents
History: Every match from any RTW event
How do I improve my RTW Rating?
Play More: more matches changes your rating
Play Often: recent matches and regular matchplay helps you keep your rating
Play The Best: winning matches against the best players improves your ranking
Tournaments are a great way to play lots of matches against the best players and players will be rewarded for matches they win at all RTW tournaments.
Which tournaments are included?
Here’s an example of some events over 3 years. You can see there’s a mix of Opens and Series events. Over time these will also be joined by ProStops and other opportunities.
What if I’m a new player?
When a new player enters a match they are immediately given a RTW rating. New players remain volatile for typically 5 or 6 matches as the algorithm places them based on their performance.
What happens if I don’t play for a while?
Your most recent matches carry the most weight towards your RTW rating. Players who haven’t played for over six months will experience their RTW rating fall over time.
What about Doubles?
Doubles matches work in exactly the same way taking the average of the two RTW doubles ratings to form a team rating. The algorithm then compares the two team ratings to work out an expected outcome for that team. The team that performs better than how the algorithm expects will have each of their individual ratings increase relative to their original value.
Travelling to tournaments is hard, how can I play more?
We are exploring opening up our system to non-tournament matches, if you’re interested in trialling our beta product please get in touch at hey@rulethewall.com